Our Team

We are a combined team, living and working in different markets and industries. Sometimes together, sometimes as individuals, but also with the Limpid feel: providing inspirational and insightful advise. Not only talking, also doing. Every team member is a partner, strengthening the foundation and skills of the group. Below you see a set of our partners including their expertise fields.

Jaspar Roos 1
Jaspar Roos

Managing Partner / Human and Technology

Bob Sorensen
Bob Sorensen

Partner GCC / Strategy and Finance

Abdulrahman Almunayes
Abdulrahman Almunayes

Partner GCC / Innovation and Creativity

Barbara Koenen
Barbara Koenen-Geerdink

Partner / Marketing and Purpose

Dr. Wietze van der Aa

Partner / Innovation and Governance

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Michiel Ykema

Managing Partner / Change and Strategy

Konstantin Heckmann
Konstantin Heckmann

Partner: Digitalisation and Innovation

1791 UoE Business pt 1
Anna Bessant

Partner: Open Innovation and Impact

Erik Bosman
Erik Bosman

Partner: Data and Digital Transformation

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Sandra Fernholz

Partner Sustainability and Impact

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